Yoga for back care & wellbeing 9:30-10:45am, Fridays Feb-March 24
5 week programme £50
Taught by Viv Ayres & Elle Hale
The back needs to move, and the sooner people with back pain get moving, the sooner they will feel better.
This means that yoga performed gently and with awareness is an ideal solution.
Exercise gets your back moving again by stretching tight muscles and joints. Different things suit different people: experiment, find what works best for you and your back.
Research provides even more evidence that yoga in particular is a very effective approach for managing back pain.
The course includes:
- Yoga asanas to stretch and strengthen
- Increased body awareness
- Wellbeing around back pain
- The importance of good posture
- Re-educating habit patterns, both physical and mental
- Stress management
- Breathing exercises; and
- Relaxation.
Mats, blocks and straps provided.
Please email to reserve a place
The Studio,1st Floor
Camargue House
32 Wellington Lane,
Cheltenham, GL52 2AG